Lisa and KateToday was the Celebration of Strong Women presented by Wesley and Comcast at Lake Terrace Converntion Center. I had nominated my friend Lisa Gatwood for one of the awards and since she is a nurse at Wesley she was not eligible but they asked that she and I attend the ceremony in honor of her nomination. I nominated Lisa because of alot of things but mainly because she has taken on so much this past year and been so successful! She works full time, goes to school full time to become a nurse practitioner and is the mother of 3. All of her children are very active in school and church and she coordinates all of this with ease. I say ease but she gets it done. They do not go without and always make their practices, parties, etc. At today's ceremony program thing they read a poem and I wanted to share it with you to share with any strong women in your life.
by Susan Light
is a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a partner, a neighbor, a best friend for life.
She may live down the street. You'll know her when you meet.
What makes her so special? What gives her this power? Its her caring for others each day, and each hour.
Strong women are persistent. Her spark makes us smile. When facing a challenge, she goes the extra mile.
She's someone we seek out for inspiration and belief. Her light shines like a beacon even in grief.
She may be quite dynamic, or a quiet soul. Regardless of demeanor happiness is her goal.
She leads us by example with style and charm and grace. Always there to lend a hand with a smiling face.
A STRONG WOMAN is a mentor who shares her time with love, knowing she makes a difference with guidance from above.
She can be a defender standing up for what she believes. She keeps the flame of hope alive as a champion who achieves.
A STRONG WOMAN shows great promise. She is a joy to nurture. Her roots are firmly grounded as she looks forward to the future.
Well, back to work for me... the baseball game for Luke! I am sure I will have some pics to share tomorrow. Have a great rest of the day and be sure to say thank you to that special strong woman in your life
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