Kate & Katie after surviving the Coast Coliseum crowd and parking!

Lynrd Skynrd

Robert, Greg, Howard & Phillip
This past weekend Greg and I went to the coast for the Lynrd Skynrd and Hank Williams Jr concert. My mom came over around lunch Saturday and we headed out. My mom couldn't believe I was going to this concert and warned Greg and I that there would be different people there and that they might even be using drugs! ha ha ha We found that pretty humorous since this would not be the first concert we had ever attended and the fact that my mom talked to us like we were two 18 year olds! It was sweet though.
When we arrived at our hotel to my surprise we ran into other people we knew. We already had a group of 10 meeting us there so that just made the day/night more fun. We watched the Kentucky Derby before dinner in the lobby bar - LAVA- and then went up and ate at Farraday's at Isle of Capri. It was really good and then we headed to the coliseum. We were in traffic for what seemed like days but I think it was only about an hour.
The show was great and both acts were entertaining. However, it took 30- 45 minutes to get a beer and the crowd around us included many interesting people. A girl that had on no underwear and kept standing in front of Greg and I lifting her skirt, a guy that was "from Auburn Alabama" as he kept telling us that was evidently the boyfriend to the stripper girl and he enjoyed throwing things while unbuttoning his shirt, and of course a wide array of characters that were swooning and singing all the words to all the songs.
After the concert, we headed to Hard Rock to meet up with the rest of our group AND for Greg to catch the last part of the basketball games. We went to their new bar Roadhouse LIVE which was pretty nice. I met up with my friend Reggie's host there and he took Christy and I on a private tour of the VIP areas. Everybody (minus me, Katie and Jamie) gambled but nobody really won especially at the Blackjack tables.We eventually made it back to our hotel and left the next morning.
Mom had the boys all ready to see us. They were full of stories and things to tell us! She had taken them to McDonald's , Painted Zebra, McAlister's, Uncle Charlie's, church and according to JP they were headed next to the beach! (he thinks we are going to the beach every day since someone mentioned it was this month)
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